Friday, 3 February 2012

Reflection week 2

In week 2, we learned more about language. Language is an abstraction resultant from the linguistics behaviour of its users. We need a science of language which is a systematic study of language to study and describe this abstraction. So this is what known as linguistics that scientific, systematic, objective study of language. To transfer this abstraction into concrete terms, we have to have the necessary medium. Firstly speech, since most individuals learn to speak language first before they write and then writing. Considering speech and writing separately, we know that speech is the association of sound, symbol and meaning. 

Moreover, in week 2, we have to carry out a dialogue session where we insert at least 5 functions in our dialogue. My group (Christine, Jessica, Lydia and I) had done a dialogue between flight attendant and passenger inside the aircraft. We had discussed the function of each sentence and below are our script. After we have carried out the dialogue, we had chosen three members from our class to identify the function in our dialogue. 

Group member :     Christine Jane
                                   Jessica Jannet
                                   Lydia Bunsu
                                   Tan Siang Eing
Scene 1
Situation: passengers aboard the aircraft and the flight attendants greet/welcome them.
Flight Attendant 1: Welcome aboard. Before we depart, as a reminder, you should    
switch off all your electric devices to prevent any interference
with the aircraft systems and fasten your seatbelt.
[ Function = to inform ]

Flight Attendant 2: Excuse me, Miss. Our airline company is conducting a survey
                                   about the quality of our customer service. Can you do me a
favour by responding to this survey?
[ Function = to ask for a favour ]

Passenger 1 :           sure, no problem. But why do we need to respond to this survey?
 [ Function : to obtain information ]

Flight Attendant 2 : Well Miss, this is because we want to improve ourselves and thus
                                   we can provide the best services to our passengers.
[ Function =  to clarify ]

Passenger 1:            Oh, now I understand . It’s good to know that your company has taken this initiative to improve the quality if your services.
 [ Function : to agree ]
Scene 2
Situation : passenger 2 is coughing and she push the button on the top of her head.
Flight Attendant 1: Yes Miss, how can I help you? [ Function = to ask ]

Passenger 2:            I have a sore throat. Can I change this cold orange juice for a
glass of warm water? [ Function = to ask ]

Flight Attendant 1 :  Sure, Miss. I ‘ll bring it to you soon.

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